Monday, April 5, 2010

The Beginning

Well here we go...

After using skyblog, facebook, myspace and all sorts of blogging tools and sites, I kind of grew tired of sharing my writing with others. Yes I know, can I get even more lazy?
Today I say: shame on me! After years of staring at my blank notebooks thinking "these will never ever get filled up", the inspiration suddenly struck me and I started writing again (hooraaa)

It's really just on the spur of the moment, a phrase or a rhyme that comes to mind spontaneously and I grab my pen (ok.. more likely my fancy blue quill and ink... yes I'm a hopeless romantic) and write it down. And tadaa, here you go, Garance's recipe for writing a poem.

Ok well it's my way of doing it at least, all I need is an emotion (I find that sadness is always a rich source of inspiration... sadly), an event, a crisis or a moment of joy, a memory, a face, and of course, words... Stir that all together in one big pot called your mind, add a sprinkle of imagination and here you have it: a (more or less good and definitely needing editing) poem :)

And now, let me share with you the fruits of what my mind has concocted these past few months and years...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Garance,

    Glad to see you on Blogspot. :)

    I know what you mean about closing down blogs, but then feeling that it's a pity to quit. In fact, I'm closing down my four blogs soon because I think I'm spreading myself too thin and I'm not focused enough. I'm hoping to start a completely new one next month, and I plan to stick to just that one and talk about my life and stuff on it. For now, I need to rest. I'm excited to keep reading yours when I come back. :)
